Welcome to Kanata North Orthotics

At Kanata North Orthotics(Formerly, Kanata Foot & Ankle) we specialize in providing a comprehensive range of foot health services including: soft tissue procedures, custom-made orthotics, orthopedic ankle and knee braces achieving an optimal level of comfort and mobility unmatched in the Ottawa community for ages 0-100. 

Our Services

Orthotics & Braces:

Unlike most competitor's custom made orthotics each orthotic is made from the original gold standard plaster of paris cast and fabricated from a top tier lab.  Although more time consuming the result is undeniable. 

Surgical procedures:

From wart removal and toenail surgery to flexible hammer toe and fibroma reduction. All procedures are performed under local anesthesia with minimal risk.

Toenail fungus:

Unique combination of prescription compounded topicals specially formulated to treat toenail fungus that are highly effective even when laser and brand name preparations have failed.

Childrens feet:

Experienced in toewalking and intoeing to flatfoot and dropfoot plus everything else. Wide variety of pediatric bracing from SMO's and AFO's to motor/sensory orthotics and gait plates.

Experience the Difference: Best Foot Healthcare available in Ottawa and the surrounding areas


*Weekend emergency service available(Contact clinic by email/phone before coming)

*Convenient free parking

* Experience with former positions held at the Toronto General Hospital, Ottawa Civic Hospital, Royal Ottawa Rehabilitation Centre, Perley Hospital/Glebe Centre.

*Proven track record with over 250 credible 5 star online google and rate my md reviews .

*Consultations, procedures, orthotics and braces are likely covered by private insurance plans. Direct billing is an option for most insurance plans including Veterans affairs, Canadian armed forces and RCMP. Competitive rates: 


Kanata North Orthotics is a well equipped professional home based office situated in a safe upscale neighborhood by a male foot doctor. If you are shy to come alone please consider bringing a friend along with you. The more feet the merrier.


Arrange an appointment by email to kanatanorthorthotics@gmail.com and share a few days and times you are available. If you prefer telephone, please call 613-435-8637 and leave a message with days and times you are available. Phone calls will be returned the next business day with the exceptions of emergencies which will be returned quickly providing the message states emergency.


Replacements receipts: $10, Sick notes: $25, Medical letters: $100/page and missed appointments(Without 24 hours notice): $75. No refunds.


214 Gabbro Crescent(Side door entry)

Kanata, On, K2T 0H3(Terry Fox Drive & Kanata Ave.)